Dear Nyonyas and Babas, 

In this month’s video, I am joined by Baba Ponno Kalastree, President of the Peranakan Indian (Chitty Melaka) Association Singapore (PIA); Nyonya Sant Kaur, PIA general committee member; and Nyonya Elizabeth Ng, TPAS Culinary Advisor. 

Baba Ponno shares about the new cookbook that will be published by PIA – Heritage Food from the Peranakan Indian (Chitty Melaka) Kitchen. The cookbook will showcase 91 recipes, most of which were contributed by PIA members and tested at Allspice Institute which is a cooking and baking school by members of the Chitty Melaka community. Some of the recipes are enhanced with interactive media (produced by the LASALLE College of the Arts students) and may be accessed only by scanning the relevant QR codes in the cookbook. The cookbook is scheduled to be launched on 19 November 2023 after the fundraising dinner on 25 October 2023 at The Dempsey Project. 

Nyonya Elizabeth gave a heads-up that on the 28 October 2023, there will be a cooking demonstration by Nyonya Low Shih Erh. Tickets are expected to sell out fast, so do book your seats quickly once the announcement is out. Nyonya Elizabeth also urges all accomplished home cooks to step forward to volunteer to give cooking demonstrations. 

Lastly, TPAS will be taking part in the Singapore Red Cross International Bazaar 2023 organised by the Singapore Red Cross (SRC), held at Ngee Ann City Civic Plaza on 18 November 2023, with Singapore’s President, Patron of the Singapore Red Cross, as the Guest-of-Honour. We would appreciate all donations of Peranakan clothing and paraphernalia to be sold at the bazaar to raise funds for the SRC. 

We hope you enjoy watching our video clips as much as we enjoy putting them together.

Warm wishes,

Nyonya Genevieve Peggy Jeffs
President, 2022 – 2024
The Peranakan Association Singapore
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